Veteran Hollywood producer Gerald Molen (“Schindler’s List,” “Minority Report”) says he never hides his politics while making movies.

That didn’t matter until President Barack Obama took the oath of office. Now, Molen finds a new, less hospitable atmosphere for conservatives in the film industry.

Molen, a Big Hollywood contributor, shared his thoughts on that change as well as his upcoming documentary, “2016: Obama’s America” with the publication. The film attempts to vet Obama, a job the mainstream media failed to do during the 2008 campaign, he contends:

When I worked with Steven Spielberg, I don’t remember ever talking politics with him; I’m sure it may have come up, but it was never a concern … With my more liberal friends I’ve worked with, there was never a problem with disagreeing politically. It is the American way….

This last election, it was different. It was more difficult for conservatives to open up. I don’t know why Hollywood is so monolithic in its liberal politics now. 

Read the full article here: