Kudos to The Hollywood Reporter’s Paul Bond for continuing to peer outside the media’s liberal bubble for news nuggets.

Bond’s latest piece notes the new season of “Mad Men” took two shots at GOP targets – George Romney and Charlton Heston. These unnecessary digs take viewers out of the moment while potentially showing the program’s creative team is cocky enough to start throwing punches as the 2012 presidential elections heat up.

For fans of the show, it could be the first sign of decline, according to one British scribe:

Mad Men may not be jumping the (shark) quite yet,” wrote Freddy Gray at U.K.’s The Spectator after Sunday’s episode, but the series “is showing signs of collapsing under the weight of its own hype. The carefully built ambiguity of the first few seasons is being lost, replaced by cheesy self-awareness and standard-issue liberal correctness.