Nothing disappoints more than when someone on our side starts to talk like this:

[Ted] Olson, who served as President George W. Bush‘s solicitor general, said, “It’s important that everyone in America see Bully to talk about it, but in particular, the young people. So Dave was right, this is an irrational decision, and I’ve heard it defended as ‘[The MPAA] really can’t do anything about it because if we make an exception here, they’ll be all sorts of people lined up wanting to have exceptions made with respect to their movies.’ What a reason for not doing something. So they better shape up, or here we come.”

And by “here we come,” what Olson means is that he and his pal, attorney David Boies, who joined forces to overturn the will of the people on same-sex marriage in California, will now sue the MPAA over the decision to give Harvey Weinstein’s documentary about bullying an R-rating.

Boies takes this stupidity even further by declaring the MPAA rating an act of “censorship.”

This is nothing close to censorship. No one’s stopping parents from taking their children to see this film. And isn’t that what these ratings are supposed to be about, letting parents know the content of what they are putting in front of their own children? So once again you have a bunch of politically correct elites looking to insinuate themselves into the relationship between parent and child. With a lower rating, my guess is that everyone knows the film could be shown in schools all across the country without parental permission.

Naturally, no one sees the irony in how these bullies are bullying the MPAA into violating their own standards. And the MPAA’s defense about not wanting to set a precedent by making an exception in this case is a perfectly valid one — whether Olson wants to see it or not.

If memory serves, in 2000, Olson won Bush v. Gore under the principle of equal application of the law.

Of course, part of what Weinstein is up to here is generating publicity. But what you also have is this latest left-wing sacred cow surrounding bullying, which we all know is just another left-wing political ploy designed to kill free speech, emasculate men, and turn the whole wide world into victims in need of special “rights’ and the intrusion of the State.