For even the casual news consumer, the Occupy Wall Street protests have morphed from a crush of neo-hippies “fighting the power” to a movement akin to a screaming toddler.
But when “Inception” star Joseph Gordon-Levitt perused the OWS landscape recently he saw something much different. Gordon-Levitt shared his experiences with the OWS throng on the cyber pages of The Huffington Post:
“I had a lot of long conversations with all sorts of people — kids, older people, some cops — I talked to some people who look really rebellious, I talked to some people who were wearing a suit,” the star said. “I talked to all sorts of people and everyone’s just feeling really positive and optimistic. They look around and they see people who are on the same page, and they’re not going to just sit around and say, ‘Oh, there’s nothing I can do,’ and it’s reassuring, it’s exciting.”
He said he was moved in particular by the call and response public address system dubbed the people’s mic by protesters. It was “beautiful to see,” he said.
Gordon-Levitt, whose 2011 dramedy “50/50” could snare some Oscar consideration, got up close to OWS while shooting scenes from the upcoming Bat-sequel “The Dark Knight Rises.”