With overall box office as low as it is right now, Hollywood is looking for value wherever they can get it. “Immortals” will be the big draw to return crucial audience numbers to theaters, but the production faces other problems beyond its control.
This weekend’s predictions and revenue results go as follows:
1. Puss In Boots ($27 million) – The film will hold in its default position since the overall box office frame is not strong. Just like “The Help” showed in its run, when overall box office is down, go with the film that currently sits at the top and has the most positive buzz. That would be “Puss In Boots” currently.
[youtube Znuq-daWfLE nolink]
2. Immortals ($25 million) – This picture faces a huge hurdle in that the overall box office frame is really weak right now. Generating audience support will not be easy, but as we noted in a new film essay this week, this one has the advantage of tapping into the audience pool that made “300” an enormous success. This audience is very loyal when the film’s concept is right. Therefore, we predict a higher-than-expected opening and a close battle with “Puss In Boots” that will last until at least Saturday evening. The film may not win the weekend but will develop strong box legs to do very well overall.
[youtube 7VdONYkKFmQ nolink]
3. Jack And Jill ($18.5 million) – Despite Adam Sandler’s box office success in the past, the market this weekend is just too crowded for more than one breakout comedy hit. “Jack and Jill” will end up here because “Puss In Boots” controls the very audience it’s hoping for.
[youtube xeRrw32Fn94 nolink]
4. Tower Heist ($13 million) – After last week’s very disappointing opening, “Heist” now finds itself facing the reality of its high production budget versus its very low box office forecast. The film’s best hope is to save face and avoid a very high drop this time around. That prospect is very unlikely as audience ratings on the film remain low.
[youtube Z4KXF7NWFRE nolink]
5. J. Edgar ($12 million) – With critics’ reviews only sub-par and audience reviews not much better, this one is quickly dropping from Oscar darling to just another “Hereafter.” The film may benefit from early Oscar buzz, but that only takes the film so far. Look for disappointing results here for the studio.
[youtube 87UeEHrQpDc nolink]
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