Howard Stern Slams Hollywood Hypocrisy on Ratner-Gate

The film industry is getting a lesson on morality from … shock jock extraordinaire Howard Stern?

The self-described King of All Media lashed out via his SiriusXM radio show at the pressure put on director Brett Ratner to abandon his perch as the Oscar telecast producer after Ratner used the word “fags” in public.

Howard Stern

Stern, who learned of Ratner’s “fag” slur from The Hollywood Reporter, said he stopped using that word a while ago, but that Ratner wasn’t gay-bashing when he used it, therefore he shouldn’t have lost his job as producer of the 84th Academy Awards telecast …

Then he laid into Hollywood, calling it “a town where people have to run around closeted for many different things.”

“This is the same industry, by the way, that wants Roman Polanski to be forgiven for raping a 13-year old, that it’s time he be let back in the United States. I would hang him by his balls,” Stern said.

“There’s a lot of confusing morality here,” Stern said. “And I know the industry wants to think of themselves as pristine, but I believe they’ve given two Academy Awards to a woman [Hilary Swank] who just honored the president of Chechnya… this guy is despicable.”


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