The same left-wing Hollywood that whines non-stop about corporations donating to political campaigns then turns around and pours millions into stuff like what you’ll see below. It’s all part of the plan. They personally have the millions, the rest of us don’t, and they don’t want to compete with businesses big and small that might disagree with them.
Hypocrisy and Hollywood go together like bread and butter (of the non-fat, free-range soy kind where no animals were harmed).
The entertainment industry declared political war against us a long time ago, and what they want is a two-class world where they are our mansion-dwelling masters while we live in eco-friendly ghettos — where they “re-educate” and indoctrinate and sexualize our children and we racist, bitter-clingers had just better shut up about it. Hollywood is enamored with dictators because they wish to be dictators, and in pursuit of that goal they pervert words like “sensitivity” and “equality” into insidious tools that chip away at our God-given liberties.
Most of all, Hollywood understands the stakes in 2012 and they are just getting started.
The pro-Obama super PAC funded heavily by Hollywood mogul Jeffrey Katzenberg has gone on the attack this week against Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney.
A hard hitting and slickly produced video, titled “Mitt Romney’s America,” shows Republican strategist Karl Rove predicting Obama’s defeat. The video, posted on YouTube, then follows with clips of Romney praising the Tea Party and dismissing the woes of unemployed Americans facing foreclosure and other economic hardships, which the 1 1/2 minute ad alleges will worsen if Romney is elected.
As of the last reporting period, Katzenberg had donated $2 million to the super PAC, the overwhelming majority of what the group had raised at that point. Also donating to the group was director J.J. Abrams.
Full story here.
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