Box Office Predictions: 'The Help' Slips, 'Apollo 18' Takes Flight, Mirren Mugged By 'Apes'?

Ed. Note: Due to computer difficulties on our end, this post is a day late in publishing but was submitted early yesterday. — J.N.

We’ve been celebrating our one-year anniversary this week and Sensei, appropriately, now has the chance to set a new all-time record by calling the correct #1 opener 18 weeks in a row. You’ll find a recap here.

“Yeah, listening to the Weinsteins can have that effect…”

Having said that, let’s get right to it.

As always, here’s our predicted rankings along with the predicted box office take.

1. Apollo 18 (13.5 million) — The film takes advantage of a post-Transformers 3 wave. Its screen count and overall word of mouth place it around where The Last Exorcism and Takers opened last year.

2. The Help (11 million) No worries on not making the top spot this week. The film has already made over $100 million domestic on a reported $25 million budget. One hopes Hollywood is paying attention.

3. Shark 3-D (8.9 million)Overall audience excitement regarding 3-D films has declined considerably. This one hopes to post an opening close to what Piranha 3-D on a similar number of screens. It won’t make it.

4. Colombiana (5.7 million) Not a drastic improvement. Look for Zoe Saldana to market herself around that Star Trek sequel sooner rather than later.

5. The Debt (4.1 million) (Opened Wednesday) — The fact that two films are fighting for top five spots will gross only around $5 million says a lot about current film choices. Helen Mirren can be a box-office gem but this one looks uneven and will fight for this slot with Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes.

Quick Note: We wanted to take the opportunity to thank the Big Hollywood community for their comments and discussion. All our best and we look forward to hearing your thoughts.


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