The comment section of any blog or internet site is always a re-education. Not about diversity of opinion but about the human condition itself.

No matter how close two people’s opinions might seem to be, eventually there will be a difference of some sort between them.

In short, we are all confronted eventually with the isolation everyone feels because of their own inalterable uniqueness.

Not even Siamese twins can agree about everything.

At such times, philosophers such as France’s Jean Paul Sartre conclude that “Hell is other people!”

“L’enfer est les autres!”

I don’t agree, of course.

What had always been hell for me was the fear and experience of isolation itself.

I then realized how God’s very existence in the lives of men was inspired and maintained by such moments of inevitable isolation.

“Someone or something must and does understand me!”

Then, of course, one’s relationship to such a Something is up to debate.

Does the Something expect something of you, demand something of you and, of course, if you don’t measure up?

Hmmm … what are the consequences?

This is where my immeasurably vital experience with Alcoholics Anonymous comes in: “Let go, let God.”

That is their incantation: “Let go, let God!”

Which means: “Stop asking yourself that stupid question and let God answer it for you and He will.”

And He has.


By erasing the nightmares of anxiety that arose from your asking the stupid questions in the first place.

If you know for certain that no one in the world can ever understand you completely, you begin dropping such stupid expectations of them.

Even your enemies begin to look almost human because … well … there’s no denying that they are only human.

This, of course, leads me to the responses erupting from my article, Sarah Palin’s Pre-Presidential Power.

“If you don’t like the message, malign the messenger.”

Sarah Palin is a growing threat to all who have surrendered to “America’s inevitable decline” and who have bought the equally inevitable obligation for America to humbly join the Progressive New World Order.

From Bush Sr. to Clinton to Bush Jr. to Obama, the Progressive New World Order vision has held the reins of the White House for over 22 years.

That Communism, for these four Presidents, became an acceptable governing philosophy to share the world with? This concession by four Presidents not only ended the Cold War but prepared the way for an undeniably Marxist President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama.

I sensed such “inevitability” 18 years ago. In the Fall of 1993 I met Attorney General Janet Reno and knew that this most powerful law enforcement officer in the world had been given orders to attack the Koresh Compound in Waco, Texas and to attack television as a primary cause of violence in America. The Clintons, both of them, had begun their Presidential administration with the same Marxist arrogance we still find more openly and shamelessly in Barack Obama.

In 1994, when my protests fell lamely through the nets and sifters of the MSM and the Clintons were not only reelected ’96 but Janet Reno retained her post as Attorney General, I knew America was in for the longest spiritual bloodletting of her entire history.

Mankind’s last and greatest hope for continued individual freedom and responsibility, the United States of America, had been co-opted by the most cunning sabotage efforts in world history.

The Soviets and their KBG, ordered initially by Joseph Stalin to primarily infiltrate the “soft underbelly” of the American performing arts, had successfully turned Hollywood and New York into its very own propaganda machine.

The subsequent invasions of Washington D.C. and the White House by the increasingly radical Left became inevitable until we ended up with a President Barack Obama.

Thank God I left for Canada.

Canada, suffering through decades of the same love affair with the Marxist Utopia and having a large taste of it with Pierre Trudeau, has begun, with the invaluable leadership of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, to right herself as the individually, freedom-loving half of North America.

What has happened to the United States?

22 years of steady decline into the arms of President Obama.

A Marxist Islam or Red Jihadists are what my former homeland is quivering under now.

We Americans were more at peace, more prosperous and more self-assured under President Dwight Eisenhower’s Cold War of the Fifties than under any of the last four Presidents. If you don’t believe me, read Bill Bryson on the United States in the Fifties. Despite the Cold War or perhaps because of it, America became the most entirely self-sufficient nation in the history of the world. That is obviously and shamelessly not what President Barack Obama wants.

Now, with any line in the sand between freedom and Communism erased?!

The bipartisan, Bush/Clinton New World Order policies have driven America into debt and increasing dependence upon utterly hostile corners of the world, both Islamic and Communist.

With President Obama we see the End Game of New World Order Chess: a decidedly Marxist vision of humanity’s future. When a fraudulently Independent Mayor of New York prohibits men of faith, priests, ministers and rabbis from participating in a 9/11 Memorial Ceremony, what do we have?

An olive branch offered to none other than Godless Communism and the blood-lusting symbols of Islam.

Mayor Bloomberg isn’t offering the appeasement policies of Neville Chamberlain. He is pure Marshall Petain of Vichy France.

What percentage of Americans who have died in two world wars, Korea, Vietnam and the Middle East defending the freedom of religion are now rolling in their graves over Mayor Bloomberg’s heinous and undeniably Leninist insult to America’s national identity?

I offered, in my most provocative editorial, Sarah Palin’s Pre-Presidential Power, the only possible Presidential candidate for the 2012 election: Sarah Palin.

Only her profoundly personal value system and her classically American, conservative values can drag not only the United States but the entire world back from the brink of Red Jihadist suicide.