A year ago us, like many of you, we grew frustrated with the constant bias often exercised in the entertainment industry. Constantly, talent we know and love would be subjected to character assassination because of their personal beliefs (this shout out’s to you, Angie Harmon). All this done under the guise’ of “objective.” “Objective?” Nothing could be further from the truth.
To influence change we decided to not only play their game, but to play it better.
So we started our own site MovieCriticAssassins.com. We created our own pseudonymous Sensei White Lotus and Master Iron Fist. Through our anonymity we deprived anyone of using personal attacks, while also holding the ability to “tell like it is” in the industry we love so much.
Since that time we’ve developed a following through Sensei’s unique essays and box office predictions, as well as Master Iron Fist’s unfiltered commentary on the aforementioned biases (more often referred to as “verbal executions”). We aspire to be muckrakers and to offer sound, firm analysis while also joining in on Big Hollywood’s mission to provide accountability within the entertainment industry.
We are honored and thrilled to join this community at long last.
In helping us reach out to new friends and opportunity, we are indebted and forever thankful to Andrew Breitbart and John Nolte. It is our hope you enjoy Sensei’s essays and weekly predictions along with Iron Fist’s unwavering, well, let’s just call it “honesty.”
We also invite everyone to check out our site. We do not expect, however, for everyone to make it out alive.
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