In Which Big Hollywood Helps Harvey Weinstein Pay More Taxes…

Yet another hypocritical left-wing gazillionaire mouthing off about his desire to pay more in taxes

Harvey Weinstein was on [Piers Morgan] last night, talking about his support for President Obama and the fund-raiser he held for him at his home last week. Weinstein echoed Warren Buffett’s call for the wealthy in the country to be taxed more — and said that he considers it an investment in the country, not an unfair burden.

We’re here to help you lead by example in two easy steps, Harvey:

1. Immediately stop with any deductions on your quarterly/annual taxes.

2. Go here and put your money where your child rapist-supporting mouth is.

You’re welcome.

The only thing stopping any of these fithy rich Leftists from paying more in taxes is their own selfish hypocrisy. In public they pose, in private they grasp.

None of them want to pay higher taxes. If they did — they would!

But the reason they call for more taxes and environmental regulations is simple … and mercenary: Those who already hold political and financial power possess enough money and enjoy enough write-offs to weather anything the government might do. They also have enough influence with liberal DC corporatist like President Obama to ensure that’s always the case. The people who can’t survive these added burdens, however, are the up-and-comers — the potential competition. It’s Preston Tucker scenario all over again, where the best way to stay on top is to lobby in favor of the competition-killing taxes and regulations you can handle but entrepreneurs on the rise cannot.

Warren Buffet, General Electric, Harvey Weinstein and the like DON’T see burdensome taxes and regulations as burdensome taxes and regulations. They see a friendly government as their partners in a ruthless and corrupt game of King of the Hill.

It’s the same with Hollywood’s phony posing over the phony Global Warming “crisis.” As they sit in big air-conditioned mansions, they demand the government tell the rest of us to live like Quakers. Anyone who truly believes the planet is in crisis lives as though the planet is in crisis, not like an Egyptian Pharaoh.

They are The Man and they want to keep the rest of us down in order to remain The Man.

Liars. Hypocrites. Phonies. Posers. Leftists. Period.


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