It’s often said that “time heals.” Although it’s true that time heals a lot of things, we can’t forget that it reveals a lot of things as well. And one of the things that time has most recently revealed is that President Obama’s 2008 mantra of “yes we can” has actually turned into “we probably can’t, but I’ll never admit it.”
Obama is on a downward slide everywhere in the country, except in 10 of the most liberal states in the union (i.e., these states that would still vote for FDR or Woodrow Wilson were either miraculously resurrected and placed back on the ticket). As a matter of fact, Obama-nomics have been so disastrous to America that one of the DRUDGEREPORT’s most recent headlines was “BARACKALYPSE NOW.”
So what’s Hollywood’s response to the first two and half years of Obama? Wel,l duh, they’re helping him out by producing an October 2012 surprise that will highlight the killing of Osama bin Laden just in time to get voters excited for The One again.
In all fairness, let me say that from the moment I first learned bin Laden had been killed, I immediately thought Obama would release the pictures of the terrorist’s body during October 2012 in hopes of making us think he really is a war president worthy of re-election. Now it appears he won’t have to do that, because Hollywood is going to use a gazillion dollar movie set to provide us scenes that look even better than the real ones. At least they’ll look better to Obama: our wonderful president who, after meeting SEAL Team 6 said, “They looked less young and fearsome than he expected, and more like guys working at Home Depot.” (According to Maureen Dowd)
The movie, directed by Oscar-winner Kathryn Bigelow and written by Oscar-winner Mark Boal, will likely cast Obama isn the most positive light possible and the White House is so desperate for eager to get some kind of boost in the polls that they’ve even allowed Boal into parts of the White House and Pentagon that are normally off-limits (which included allowing Boal into a “CIA ceremony celebrating the hero seals”).
We can only hope that as this movie enters serious production stages Bigelow and Boal will consider the recent loss of so many members of SEAL Team 6 Six and make this movie more about them and less about our stutterer-n-chief, Barack Obama.