New Blacklist: Trump Slams Letterman for 'Racist' Charge; Cancels Appearance

Billionaire and potential GOP candidate Donald Trump deserves much of the criticism currently being thrown his way, but nothing The Donald has said is anywhere near as obscene as the MSM and Left-wing Hollywood attempting to brand him a racist. It’s the single worst charge you can hurl at someone in this day and age and to do so based on no evidence other than Trump’s questioning of a sitting President’s background is beyond the pale.

Yes, Trump said “the blacks.” So what? VP Biden said “clean and articulate,” Senate Majority Leader Reid said “negro dialect,” and Sen. Robert Byrd, a one-time Grand Wizard of the KKK, used the N-word on television just a few years before his death. Like him or not, watching the same MSM that eagerly participated in the “high tech lynching” of Clarence Thomas now attempting to smear Trump as racist is no different than watching a witch hunt. Pure and simple, this is a baseless charge being hurled to intimidate and quiet a political opponent.

Moreover, you would think that of all people, Hollywood would be the most careful about participating in this kind of political-baiting, but just last week Letterman jumped right on the New Blacklist Bandwagon with a threat to ban Trump from his show for being a communist racist.

Smelling an obvious set-up and not taking the charge lying down, Trump struck back at the bitter and increasingly mean-spirited and partisan “Late Show” host this morning:

“I was disappointed to hear the statements you made about me last night on your show that I was a ‘racist,’ ” Trump wrote to Letterman. “In actuality, nothing could be further from the truth and there is nobody who is less of a racist than Donald Trump.”

He continued: “Based upon your statements, and despite the fact that we have always done so well together, especially in your ratings, I am canceling my May 18th appearance on your show.

“Additionally,” Trump wrote, “please inform your staff that I will likewise not do the ‘top ten’ list that they had been trying to set up.”

You can read the full article here.

This is how the New Blacklist works, only instead of hurling the word commie, it’s a word with “ist” or “phobe” at the end.

Meet the new boss…


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