Top Five Films That Michael Moore will Never Make

There is a lot that a person can learn from watching “Scarface.” While most of the lessons involve how to build a drug distribution empire, alternative uses for a chainsaw, and what not to do with your tongue when trying to impress a young lady, this movie also gives us some insight into the nature of Michael Moore. There is a scene in the film where Tony Montana’s boss, Frank Lopez, is describing what a “chazzer” is. Frank describes the term “chazzer” as a Yiddish word for “pig.” In the world of “Scarface,” one of the traits of a chazzer is that “He don’t fly straight no more.” This is the perfect description of Mr. Moore.

I am not calling Michael a pig because he hasn’t seen his toes since zoot suits were in fashion, or that he seems like the type who roots around the snack cake aisle at the supermarket like a hog rooting for truffles. I am calling him a pig because all objective evidence points to the fact that he fits the definition of chazzer. Michael is a pig that doesn’t fly straight.


Michael Moore first rolled onto the American scene when he made the film “Roger and Me.” This movie was about the evils of General Motors and how the callous pursuit of profits by then CEO, Roger Smith, resulted in American plant closures and the unemployment of thousands of union workers. At this point in his career he was very interested in what was going on with the world’s biggest auto producer (at the time) and how it affected the working man.

After the bankruptcy of GM, Obama’s federal government took control of the car company with the treasury owning 60% of the automaker. Instead of becoming the sort of workers’ paradise that would cause Moore to spontaneously combust with joy, it would seem they continued the exact sort of business practices that inspired Moore to attack the Roger Smith run GM so many years ago.

Today, one of the worst kept secrets in the auto industry is that GM forces a number of their suppliers to outsource work to less expensive nations. This is not done with subtle pressure and code words. Outsourcing is written right into the suppliers contracts. In many cases the supplier is required to outsource 25% or more of their work to countries that are deemed “emerging nations.” Countries on this list include India, China, and Brazil. Ignore the Democrat rhetoric about outsourcing, the White House has decided that keeping these jobs away from American’s is good for the bottom line. Considering his past works, shouldn’t Michael Moore be outraged, or at least curious, about this?


In his book, “Outsource This,” Michael Moore called companies who receive government tax breaks “corporate welfare mothers.” With that said, he has been MIA on the subject of GE, a multi-billion dollar company, paying no corporate income tax in 2010. Oh sure, he released a brief tweet or two on the subject, but this is far from the passionate crusades that had him blaming the Bush Administration for everything from giving the nation away to Wall Street to the conspiracies around the existence of Big Foot and how he may have factored into the Kennedy assassination.

If Michael Moore had a shred of intellectual honesty he would have his cameras on the steps of the White House, asking some very intriguing questions. For example, how did Jeffrey R. Immelt, the CEO of General Electric, manage to not only completely escape any taxes on his company, but also somehow find himself the recipient of a presidential appointment as the Chairperson of the Council on Jobs and Competitiveness. Maybe some of those questions could involve the near half million dollars GE contributed to the Obama campaign, or maybe the priceless air support that Barry Hussein received from NBC News and MSNBC; both owned at the time by GE. Naaaaaaah that’s simply not as compelling as making films that suggest that the Cuban health care system is better than the one in the USA.


The debate, passing, and signing into law of Obamacare was full of deception, payoffs, violations of the law, and the sort of ethics that would make Castro look like Gandhi by comparison. This would be a target rich environment for any filmmaker who wanted to expose the government abuse. What most folks, including Michael Moore, have missed is that health care shifts the class warfare debate to something a bit more evil than the haves vs. the have nots. If Moore were to take the Al Franken blinders off and see what is going on, he would notice that the “class warfare” in health care has shifted from rich and poor to old and young. In a recess appointment, Obama crowned Donald Berwick the Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Berwick is an aggressive advocate of health care rationing. His feelings on the issue became clear when he said “the decision is not whether or not we will ration care, the decision is whether we will ration with our eyes open.” To ensure that that rationing of care was institutionalized, the Senate rules were changed to protect the Independent Payment Advisory Board (the bureaucrats/death panel in charge of rationing). It now takes a 2/3rds, super majority in congress to dissolve this board.

Despite what the liberals say, most of us have some say in whether we will fall into the rich or poor category. We live in a meritocracy where hard work and innovation will allow most of us to take care of ourselves. Most people who complain about the high cost of insurance premiums also seem to have cell phone accounts, upgraded cable packages, multiple televisions, etc. So in many cases the decision between an iPhone data package with all the bells and whistles and paying for your own insurance simply comes down to what a person values. In a rationed health care environment, where the young will get most of the services and the elderly will be treated like a beloved pooch who has outlived its usefulness, there is nothing we can do. Ponce de León never found the fountain of youth so those who are retired will need to watch their backs when they stop paying into an overstressed system and begin simply accepting Social Security payments. Their end of life care may become part of a government cost cutting effort. There is probably a movie in there somewhere. Of course not one that Michael Moore will ever make.


Public sector unions give millions of dollars to Democrat candidates. When Democrat candidates are elected, they give public sector unions sweetheart deals. When the unions need more money, the same elected Democrats expand the size of their local governments, and bring in more union employees, whose dues will make their way into election war chests of Democrat candidates. Workers, in most cases, have no choice whether or not they join a union, and have no control over what the union does with the dues they are forced to pay. Does something seem wrong here? Of course if Caterpillar or the Koch brothers dare give money to any conservative candidates, Moore will be there to cry foul.


This one is self explanatory.


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