
This is what I love about New Media. As Obama’s Palace Guards in media and entertainment have circled the wagons to protect the President from exploding gas prices, as they’ve attempted to spin the Wisconsin union debate into a “rights” issue and Peter King’s hearings into the rise of Islamic radicalism into a “bigotry” issue — New Media has been doing our own thing, creating a parallel narrative going after NPR and dismantling Michael Moore’s hypocrisy and lies piece by glorious piece.

In the meantime, we won in Wisconsin, Obama finally had to address gas prices in his news conference today, NPR is taking on more water than the Titanic, King had his hearings, and Michael Moore’s now in day two of a fact-based blistering.

Today that blistering comes courtesy of Mary Katharine Ham over at the Daily Caller who destroys Moore’s lies, anti-logic and fuzzy math:

This week, Michael Moore offered a simple and elegant solution to our debt problem.

Calling the assets of wealthy Americans a “national resource,” he suggested our problems would all be solved if we could just have access to all that money.

“What’s happened is that we’ve allowed the vast majority of that cash to be concentrated in the hands of just a few people, and they’re not circulating that cash. They’re sitting on the money,” Moore said. “That’s not theirs, that’s a national resource, that’s ours. We all have this… we all benefit from this or we all suffer as a result of not having it.”

“America’s not broke,” he told a cheering crowd of pro-union protesters in Wisconsin.

So, we decided to try Moore’s solution. Laying aside the moral objections to the government simply appropriating the wealth of private citizens, could it work?

Facts, figures, logic, compassion… Shame on Mary Katharine for not playing fair.