More raging media hypocrisy exposed via Bozell at NewsBusters:
Within minutes of the news breaking that Jared Lee Loughner had killed six and wounded 12 in a rampage outside a Tucson safeway store, including a critically injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, the news media immediately leapt to the conclusion that the harsh tone of our political discourse – led by conservative talk radio — surely must be to blame.
That narrative turned out to be hogwash, but another one has emerged during the investigation into Loughner’s psyche, yet virtually no one wants to discuss it. Was the shooter inspired by the entertainment media?
Why would violent movies or music be left out of the rush to judgment? Perhaps it’s because pop-culture defenders never tire of arguing that no one can blame the “artists” – be they musicians, movie-makers or video-game manufacturers – for youth violence. So it becomes awkward, to say the least, that everyone’s discussing the need to curb a national appetite for angry rhetoric, when it was disturbing music and movies that were influencing Loughner’s mind, and they are ignored.
It took 72 hours for Loughner’s entertainment appetites to enter the media mainstream. On January 11, The Washington Post noted that on the shooter’s YouTube channel, a lone video is listed as a favorite. J. Freedom du Lac reported on the rock band Drowning Pool: “As a hooded figure wearing a garbage bag for pants limps across the desert to set fire to an American flag, a howling heavy-metal song called ‘Bodies’ serves as the video’s relentless soundtrack.”
The lyrics are screamed: “Let the bodies hit the floor! Let the bodies hit the floor! Let the bodies hit the floor!” in an obvious echo of a shooting rampage like Loughner’s. This isn’t the first time this music was associated with a murder. In the northern Virginia suburb of Oakton in 2003, du Lac added, “then-19-year-old Joshua Cooke cranked throbbing tune on his headphones, walked out of his bedroom holding a 12-gauge shotgun and killed his parents.”
Read full piece here.