Castro's America-Trashing Talking Points Sound Like MSNBC

If there’s one thing I learned in life, it’s that when a despicable character actually shares your opinion, it might be time to reevaluate said opinion.

Case in point: Fidel Castro’s recent analysis of the midterm elections. In an essay published by the state-run paper Granma (which I always thought carried stories about ribbon candy, shawls, and Triscuits), he announced that the Democrats’ debacle was the consequences of racism. He spouts: “The most reactionary sectors in the United States are sharpening their teeth,” and then warns that “all power (will fall) to the extreme right in the United States.”

Mind you, this is the exact same opinion held by everyone at MSNBC, the batwing-haired boob Graydon Carter, and anyone else who thought “Fair Game” was an accurate portrayal of two self-promoting tossbags. Anyway, for all you folks who still think tea partiers are racist (despite electing two black men to Congress), please reconsider this view, now that a third-rate commie dictator agrees with you.

I mean, this tool has been wrong on everything, while desperately clinging to power and atrocious facial hair. It should make you think that racial politics is old hat – when that diapered chucklehead is wearing it.

Look, I always change my views after hearing from my enemies. When Islamic extremists condemn homosexuality as an abomination, it causes me to embrace gay people even more. And when some nutbag emails me to say that radio signals in his fillings are telling him I look awesome in purple sweaters – I know it’s time to stop wearing purple sweaters.

Fact is, sometimes it better to listen to crazy people, just to keep yourself from becoming one of them.

And if you disagree with me, you’re a racist, homophobic purplephobe.


Tucker Carlson!

Nick DiPaolo!

Imogen Lloyd Webber!

plus, Adam Corolla!


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