
First off, David Letterman should never feel the need to remind us he’s ignorant.

And good for Donald Trump, who hits the nail on the head when he says that the Ground Zero Mosque builders would engender a tremendous amount of goodwill if they would, of their own volition, move someplace where — as Roger Ebert was good enough to remind us — the ashes of the dead don’t still lay.

Below the fold you’ll find a video of Letterman taking a shot at His One. This makes a total of two jokes (I’m aware of) Letterman’s told at the expense of chronic vacationer Barack Obama. Think about how divisive and biased Letterman is that the strange occasion of his making a joke about our sitting president is found worthy of a mention.

If memory serves, night after night, the great Johnny Carson was pretty scrupulous about making sure he went after Democrats and Republicans equally. The TV legend apparently understood that “The Tonight Show” wasn’t a political forum and that as an American entertainer his job was to make everyone laugh and not to grind his own personal partisan ax.

How far Letterman has fallen.

You never get the sense Letterman’s heart is in the jokes told at Obama’s expense. He certainly doesn’t relish them in the same way he does ripping on Sarah Palin’s family. In the video below, Letterman appears to be warning the President as much as teasing him, offering up a little friendly political advice in the hopes of helping the poor guy out:
