I’m sunbathing naked again. No one can see me. Just birds and bees. And red ants. And God.

I guess I’ll have to move back to FL. I love LA. But, my family needs me in FL. I don’t seem to be getting many acting roles. Maybe this deep tan will help. I squish a big, red ant with my shoe. I wipe the sweat mixed with sun block from my under eyes and pick up my paperback of “Mere Christianity.” I have a stack of books next to my arm, near my Coffee Nips. Nick Popaditch’s book, “Once a Marine,” and Frank Pastori’s “Shattered.” I used to read the Tabloids a lot but none of my friends are in them anymore…just reality stars I don’t recognize. I’m listening for the UPS man. I really don’t want him to see me. “Big, fat, ex-SNL star sunbathing naked!”

King Obama is trying to eliminate Freedom of Speech by silencing conservative talk radio, TV and Internet. His plan involves fees and fines. I’ve done research. The Federal Trade Commission had a conference last month where they decided to “Redefine Journalism.” Their plan is to have the Government pay the salary of journalists. This will ensure complete control of the media. Yikes! Kerry and Pelosi think the (Un) Fairness Doctrine could do this. Mark Lloyd, Diversity Czar (whatever that is?!) way back in 2007 started encouraging small groups to protest local conservative radio stations by accusing programs like Rush and Hannity of “hate speech that incites violence”! A group called CCAM in Fresno just obeyed this command.

I can’t keep up with him.

King Obama bribed his Socialized Medicine disaster through Congress and destroyed the greatest medical system in the world.

I can’t keep up with him.

King Obama is insidiously creeping into my very own personal life. I don’t have health insurance anymore because of lack of work. Last month, I was shocked to see a TV commercial about Obama Health Insurance. It strangely said that there was a 2,000 caller a day limit?! I called the number out of curiosity/research. The recording said that the 2,000 quota had been reached. After two days, this commercial disappeared, but yesterday I got an email from King Obama offering me Government health insurance. I felt sick to my stomach. I won’t even take unemployment checks, based on the principal of the thing. But…I did start thinking…what if I need … help…someday…I shuddered…NO! NO! Go Away!! I will not succumb to your sneaky attempts at turning me Communist!

I can’t keep up with him.

On the Fourth of July I was marching down the street with a group of Patriots chanting, “We’re an Angry Mob! Have a Nice Day! Read a History Book! Have a Nice Day!” We were walking the last mile with Matthew Perdie, a 23 year old who has just walked across America, from Long Island, NY to Santa Monica, CA, from sea to shining sea, carrying a flag. It took him a year. His message? “Fiscal Responsibility in the Government.”

Thousands of well fed Mexicans were shuffling past us on the Pier completely oblivious to our Celebration of America’s Independence from the King of England in 1776. King Obama will take care of them. If they are illegal, and paying no taxes, the middle class tax payers will continue to support them…until the middle class is on welfare. I can’t keep up with him.

I can’t keep up with him.

The election in November of 2010 will determine whether America dies or lives. Simple as that.

My good friend John Colbert-R is running for Congress, in CA 29th District against the liberal incumbent Schiff who voted with King Obama, and would not answer one Health Care question asked at his Townhall. Schiff is a fraud. He doesn’t even live in his district. I told John Colbert’s amazing wife Tamara that I would do anything to help John win. He’s the cream of the crop! He’s a genuine, honest non-politician. He was a cop, and then he invented computer software that catches bad guys. He sold his company for a lot of money and was living the American dream. But when this King took over our freedom, John Colbert put his life of ease on hold to run for office and save our nation. I am now doing phone calls for him. I am walking the Precinct. I didn’t even know what that meant two months ago.

My hero Nick Popaditch-R is running for House of Representatives in CA 51st District. I met him at Troopathon. He was muscular and had a black pirate patch over his eye. Now, being around Hollywood, one always assumes “fake.” But, Nick handed me his book, “Once a Marine,” and after meeting his wife April, I slowly realized this was the real deal. I asked Nick to show me his eye. He lifted the patch and there was a glass eyeball with the Marine symbol in the center. I had never met a soldier who was wounded for me, for my Freedom.This was my Soldier Awakening Moment. War is not a movie. Real men die for us. Real men go to wars to keep the American Dream alive. They don’t argue over whether or not their President is good or not. They trust the American system and they fight for the civilian’s freedom, even those who do not notice their sacrifice.

My new friend Steve Smith is running for Congress in the 31st district against an incumbent who voted for all of Obama’s socialism/communism. We are working on a campaign song for him.

My other new friend Sharron Angle is in a very important race against the evil Harry Reid in Nevada. I just donated.

I’m praying for 140 days along with Rev. Charles Stanley who just suggested a country wide call to prayer for our country.

As I said before, I don’t really like sunbathing. I just have no work. And, I thought it might make me look thinner. I use the time to read and think and pray.

I see a bee buzzing near me. I shush him away.

I see a king ruling over me. I vote him away.

I see the King watching over me. I bow my head and pray.

(Um…it’s not a sin to be sunbathing naked if no one but God is watching, right?)