The Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, promised Poland defense missiles in 2015?! Just how naive does Hillary Clinton think the Polish people are?
Or, on the other hand, just how naive is the Secretary of State to make a promise which neither she nor the Obama Nation she serves can possibly insure might be kept at this point? Hmmm … 2015?!
Well, one has to remember that she was blindly ambitious enough to marry the now legendarily known promiscuity of that most politically ambitious and spiritually hypocritical of Progressive Christians, William Clinton.
He’s right up there with the pro-abortion Catholic, Nancy Pelosi.
Hillary Clinton, however, fell for more than Bill’s whole act.
She bought his bottomless greed for power.
If Hillary’s alter ego, Sarah Palin, wins the White House in 2012, those missiles will be in Poland before the New Year, 2014!
Where, when and how did that number pop into her head?
Well, only she could answer that, and that is exactly how the White House will leave it.
Unless, of course, Robert Gibbs is asked the same embarrassing question.
Russian American “reset button” relations will be hanging on his very lips.
Of course, by the time the MSM comes around to asking that question, all corners of the Obama Nation’s public relations ploys with neo-Soviet Russia will have been ironed out.
“Mr. Medvedev, that’s Hillary’s role! To play the hawk!”
Hillary is nothing for Moscow to worry about and apparently, according to the Christian Science Monitor, Vladimir Putin particularly must not be concerned in the least.
The Kremlin was warned that Hillary would be out there playing “The Tigress”.
That is her job now, hanging a “pair” on the President.
Poor Hillary.
Is she now out there trying to catch up with Sarah Palin’s “Mamma Grizzlies”?
Does she really believe she’s anymore than a puppet for a foreign policy that is preparing for the surrender of America to the Red Chinese and neo-Soviet version of the New World Order?
Could the Secretary of State for the United States of America possibly be that naïve?
She fell for Bill Clinton.
Now she must serve Obama and her husband with the same, seemingly bottomless naïveté.
Both Bill and Obama actually but secretly believe that the Presidency is a man’s job.
Not a woman’s job.
“Politics,” as both Clinton and his longest adviser James Carville have declared, is “a contact sport.”
However, Bill is certainly going to be there to make Hillary think she has a shot in 2012 of unseating Obama.
With Bill helping her out she can’t possibly help but lose.
The Nobel Peace Prize will be her consolation, as it was for that most embarrassing of American Vice-Presidents, Al Gore.
However, that could very well be the overall game plan: using Hillary’s prospects for the next Presidential election to keep America’s and Hillary’s mind off of what will most certainly … must certainly happen long before the Primaries have squeezed out their candidates.
A national emergency like her husband’s Oklahoma City Bombing will occur that must just … well … unavoidably force President Obama to declare a “national emergency” … and yes …. Oh, my God!
“Martial Law”!
Woody Allen gets his wish!
President Obama as dictator!!
Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau dropped the Martial Law bomb on Canada for considerably less than an Oklahoma City Bombing. He did so after two kidnappings and one murder. Just to see if he could do it and get away with it.
He did!!
If Trudeau can, Obama thinks the President of the United States can.
Of course, that idea is insane … but so is Karl Marx’s entire notion of a Communist dictatorship.
However, because Mao is still succeeding in Red China, the Obama Nation’s Maoist prejudices have been corroborated as … uh … “forward-looking” … uh, yes … Progressive.
Most of the psychiatrists of the English-speaking world are Progressives like Obama and Bill and Hillary. They’re the same kind of “scientist” that Karl Marx thought of himself as.
Economics to Marx was a “science”.
The still raging wars between disciples of Keynes and Friedman or Marx and Winston Churchill give the lie to economics as a science. It is now the most vital corner of all viable philosophies. As much an art as it is a mathematical supposition.
Marx, however, is now the sane one, of course, and the Catholics particularly are somewhere in the bourgeois insanity of the pro-life movement.
Hmmm … pro-life is insane and pro-choice … or pro-abortion … or pro-death and euthanasia is sane.
I did ten years with a psychiatrist who would claim the necessities of personal survival are the obligations of sanity and therefore blowing with not just any wind but the Big Wind of Progressivism is unquestionably the sanest alternative, if only to survive.
Then again, this doctor thought of himself as a scientist.
Odd how his greatest passion was the opera.
My later sessions with a psychoanalyst proved vastly more fruitful. Her undeniably Freudian training had made her the artist I required at the time.
With the patience of Job, and my faith in God and my Lord, I was slowly but unrelentingly led out of the hell that eventually became America under Barack Hussein Obama.
With Esther as Hillary Clinton’s favorite Biblical figure and Job as mine, I wonder if her marriage to Bill Clinton, rather like Esther’s Queenly relationship to the Persian King Ahaseurus, was made to lead her own version of Israel, all American women, out of what she considered America’s very male bondage.
Leave it to Slick Willy to convince Hillary he would be her best friend.
The Feminist’s most liberating sword, of course, the Supreme Court’s Roe v Wade decision of 1973, fell upon America almost twenty years before Hillary’s husband was to reach the White house.
Now it’s not liberation but ideology she is helping President Obama sell.
However, her “Esther” appears to be a decreasingly loyal subject of King Obama.
As a display of the President’s Progressively bizarre genius, it is Hillary’s growing disloyalty, which President Obama is counting on.
Hillary is there to convince the more conventional membership of the Democratic Party that President Obama is, indeed, sincerely committed to American freedom.
Our President is a self-admitted, self-exposed Marxist and Islamic sympathizer with everything that is essentially not American.
As Secretary of State to such a King, how can Hillary as Esther maintain her profoundly naïve belief that her President will protect her liberation?
Not to worry, Bill has convinced her that he and his wife … and James Carville, of course … can take back the Oval Office from King Obama.
How repeatedly naïve can you get?
With the Progressive version of George and Gracie, stay tuned!
“Say goodnight, Hillary.”
“Goodnight Hillary!”
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