CNSNews asks actor/activist Ashley Judd a perfectly straight-forward question about what to do with the Appalachian coalminers she’s absolutely determined to see banished to the unemployment line, and in response she freaks out that she’s being tricked.
CNS: “So the government should shut down the mine and then pay for these people to be trained in a new job?”
JUDD: “You know, I’m not going to get into that kind of detail because there are people who are policy expert at those particular kinds of questions. John could answer it. And I frankly don’t know who you are and I kind of have a feeling you’re trying to trick me.”
Like Redford, Babs and Danson — once again it’s working class jobs these thoughtless individuals target. Watch them summon their mighty starpower, wealth, and heavyweight political connections to puff themselves up into someone making a difference without pausing for a single moment — as the audio proves — to consider the human and economic ruin sure to follow.
Now set your translators to “alarmist” and listen to this:
“By the end of our time here together today, I hope you will commit your journalistic integrity to stop mountaintop removal immediately,” Judd said.
“Mountaintop removal coal mining simply would not happen in any other mountain range in the United States,” Judd said. “It is utterly inconceivable that the Smokies would be blasted, the Rockies raised, the Sierra Nevadas flattened, that bombs the equivalent to Hiroshima would be detonated every single week for three decades.”
“The fact that the Appalachians are the Appalachians makes this environmental genocide possible and permissible.”
Did she just use the term, “environmental genocide?”
CNSNews has the rest.
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