Daily Gut: Obama's Race For Race

So, for this upcoming November election, here’s an idea to help restore American strength and prosperity. White middle-aged men must band together and throw the idiots out.

That’s all there is to it.

At least, if I follow President Obama’s lead. For, in his mind, his victory requires splitting the populace apart – and only these folks matter: young people, African Americans, Latinos, and women.

He says it right here, when appealing to Dems to get out the vote.


Now, I don’t mind it, cuz he’s being honest.

He knows he has the black vote, for political and sentimental reasons. Young people are green enough dismiss the debate between big and small government, so Obama can get ’em too. Women – primarily those shielded from conservativism through an intense combo of psychotherapy, grad school deployment, self help books and dating wusses -could end up in O’s pocket too.

That leaves Latinos – who the President believes he’ll win, once he drops the “A” bomb. I.e. Amnesty.

And who’s left? White dopes like me.

See, in the post-racial world, it’s Obama who sees race. He looks at me, and sees someone he can’t win over.

Is it because I disagree with his most of his policies? That’s the reason I’d give him, cuz it’s true. I don’t like progressives. I think his health reform monster was a gross mistake, the whole cap and trade thing screams nonsense, and his financial finger-pointing ignores his party’s role in the mortgage crisis. However, I still admit he’s doing good in Afghanistan and like his stances both on nuclear power and baggy pants.

But still, I feel Obama looks at me, and just sees an AWG, or “angry white guy.” Which is why I’m not on his list.

Not since third grade basketball have I ever felt so left out.

Actually, this is worse. Back then, I was picked last. Now I’m not even on the team.

Maybe it’s cuz I’m short. (Again)

Tonight we’ve got:

Faith Salie!

Imogen Lloyd Webber!

the legendary Larry Gatlin!

and notorius undercover cop Jack Garcia!


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