With 9 reviews in and “Shutter Island” currently sits at 89% at Rotten Tomatoes. 8 positive reviews to 1 negative.
Marshall Fine dug it: “‘Shutter Island’ is like a lunatic’s trip to Wonderland, where no one and nothing is what it appears to be. It builds suspense with only brief respites, reaching a climax that is truly shattering.
“This is one man’s journey into madness – and Martin Scorsese is your most welcome tour guide. Hang on tight.”
David Edelstein didn’t like it much at all: “Shutter Island is a long slog. The sad thing is that Scorsese could have connected emotionally with Lehane’s narrative. Without spelling things out, the story comes down to whether fierce self-dramatization can lead to revelation, catharsis, and healing–a question raised obliquely in Taxi Driver and Raging Bull. But Scorsese can’t get past the thicket of old movies. He’s farther from reality than his hero is.”
We’ll know Friday.