Barbra Streisand: SCOTUS 'Enables Corporate Coup of Democracy'

barbra streisand

Barbra Streisand writing at HuffPo.

*scramble* – *scramble* – *scramble*

Truth Translator Rephrase: Barbra Streisand writing at One Of Those Companies The Left Is Okay With Using Unlimited Resources To Affect The Outcome Of Elections:

I felt like I was in suspended animation as I read the Supreme Court decision which essentially enables a corporate coup d’état of America’s Democracy. …

Corporations are not people nor are they individual citizens. They are chartered by states to conduct commerce. And while I certainly don’t pretend to be a constitutional scholar, I have been reading a lot about this and thankfully, many brilliant minds do agree with me.

The intellectual dishonesty from Hollywoodists on this issue is so… so… so… expected.

If you’re opposed to corporations being involved in our electoral process then be opposed to corporations being involved in our electoral process.

But Leftists and Hollywoodists are not opposed to media corporations being involved in our electoral process because 95% of media corporations are liberal. Neither Babs nor Adam McKay nor any Leftist has ever complained that media corporations were exempt from the unconstitutional law the Supreme Court justly overturned — because CNN, ABC, NPR, The New York Times, CBS, etc… all carry water for left-wing causes and politicians.

So let’s ask our friends on the left a few questions: Why should their precious HuffPo be exempt from the restrictions they want to place on other corporations? Why should a big, rich, venture-capital wealthy HuffPo be allowed to use unlimited resources to politick but not some local real estate office when it comes to a congressional race?

For that matter, why should Fox News be exempt? Why should Fox News be allowed to advocate conservative causes in front of millions of viewers through Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and Bill O’Reilly while liberal Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream is silenced?


President Barack Obama and GE Chairman Jeffrey Immelt

Why should Obama buddy Jeffrey Immelt’s General Electric be allowed to push their leftist nonsense through MSNBC and all their enviro-lies through the power of their prime-time NBC lineup while Walmart is silenced?

Do Apple and GM and my local Chinese restaurant have to start a cable news channel in order to enjoy the same free speech rights as General Electric?

And this absurd canard about foreign corporate influence on elections when– Well, to be fair, how can we expect Hollywoodists to understand the issues surrounding this when our own President doesn’t. (But I think they do.)

Here’s where Babs assumes the Shining Crown of Hollywood Dishonesty:

Hopefully, Congress will mobilize and pass legislation that prohibits the political contributions of any company that receives government funds[.]

Sounds great, Babs! And no doubt because you are the pillar of intellectual consistency and The Great Defender of Our Democracy you will also include what’s known as “in-kind contributions,” or non-cash contributions that benefit one candidate or political party.

Follow me here…

General Electric received “government funds” from the Obama stimulus.

General Electric owns MSNBC.

You see where I’m going, right? Buh-bye Olbermann, Maddow, Matthews and that Ed guy.

[A]nd I hope they will also pass legislation that requires companies to get approval from their shareholders before a corporation can spend money on electoral activity.

Yes!! Please do! And I will buy my share of GE stock immediately and have my say about all that MSNBC “electoral activity.” Who’s with me?


All of you reading this are about to have a go in the comments, but please do not use the word “ignorance.” Streisand, McKay and the whole lot of them understand perfectly what they’re advocating.

These are not dumb people.

These are Leftist Propagandists.

And this is a language war…

….where the goal in this particular battle is simple and has nothing to do with opposition to corporate influence on our election process. The goal is to silence political opposition while exempting corporations who agree with them. Namely, media corporations who are 95% liberal.

As far as the left’s plans to shut those other 5% up…?

You’ve heard of the Orwellian-named Fairness Doctrine, right?

NOTE: Please file this post in your folder marked: Why Hollywoodists Love Them Some Dictators.


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