Another day, another left-wing slander using computer animation. This time it is aimed at the Tea Party Movement. The only difference: This time, the video is hosted on a web site that YOU are funding! That’s right my fellow racists, the NPR web site funded in large part by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.


No, NPR did not create the video, it is the work of Mark Fiore. But, strangely, NPR embedded the video in its blog without any further comment. It is clearly an implicit endorsement of the views contained therein. And it is an outrage, to say the least.

Not only does it rely on the disgusting label of “Tea Bagger” for citizens who dare to voice their opinion about the direction of our government. But it goes on to continue the ongoing slander of labeling those same citizens as ignorant morons with no real arguments except hate and name-calling.

And it is being promoted with YOUR tax dollars on YOUR public radio web page.

The post at the NPR web site is under the by-line of Mark Fiore, but the text is written in the third person. Someone else at NPR wrote this piece and posted it. In the spirit of open government and transparency, could we please have the name of the individual who made this decision? Or, since there is no name on the post, can we assume that this is a decision whole-heartedly endorsed by Vivian Schiller, President and CEO of NPR? Ms. Schiller, where does the buck stop on this one?