So the Climate Change Summit is collapsing faster than an Ikea dresser, as everyone realizes you can’t pull off the world’s biggest bank heist in broad daylight.

Thank God Prince Charles has arrived, however, to tell us how the rest of us are harming the planet. Note: he arrived in a private jet that uses up to seven months’ worth of the typical British person’s “carbon footprint.” I know, I know – we can’t expect him to take the train. But the very least, we can expect him to stay home and shut the hell up. After all, he has two ears to feed.

Meanwhile, Danish police fired pepper spray at protesters – those self-righteous goons who clamor for immediate action – knowing that, as activists, they won’t have to pay for it. The rest of us, of course, will. That’s the rule of environmentalism – do as I shout, not as I do. Whether you’re Prince Charles or an unwashed activist – consequences mean little as long as your intentions are in the right place.

But that should be no surprise to anyone who has been following this movement. I’ve spent a decade watching the cult of climate change grow, and realized the belief springs from a bitter view of humanity. Communism was a movement meant to suppress individual ingenuity and industry. When it fell, those followers – and those drawn to that ideological allure – had to go somewhere. The Communist Manifesto became An Inconvenient Truth.

So now the president of the conference has resigned, and the US delegation is objecting to text that might hold them to rules our country should reject. As the conference crumbles, and the protesters demand “climate justice”- we can finally say: “There it is, chuckleheads.”

And if you disagree with me, you’re probably a racist!

Tonight another stellar lineup, and another stellar show!

Publishing legend Felix Dennis!

CIA guy Mike Baker!

Gorgeous actress Reshma Shetty!

comedian Jesse Joyce!

Bill Schulz (sadly)