Once upon a time Hollywood movies were often about American heroes vanquishing our enemies. Now they make movies attacking Americans while ignoring the real people who attack America.
Once upon a time Hollywood had no problem distinguishing our enemies from our allies. Now our allies are often shown to be feckless and evil while our enemies are either ignored or made out to be mere puppets of our evil leaders.
For example, last season of “24” had an African dictator’s troops invading the country and trying to unleash a deadly virus, but of course, they were working for an evil Blackwater type military contractor run by a right-wing “patriot.” Patriot is Hollywoodese for crazy nut job. The same kind of villains were used in this year’s “State of Play” which had evil government contractors murdering people to cover up their evil conspiracy. Or last year’s “Body of Lies,” also starring Russell Crowe, which showed the CIA as a bunch of lying killers who have Arabs picked off with abandon for the aims of US policy. And let’s not forget 2007’s “Valley of Elah” in which American soldiers are portrayed as soulless killers made that way because they were exposed to combat. Or how about “Syriana”, in which a fat George Clooney wanders around the Arabian desert learning how evil the US is while boring the audience with an obscure plot.
And now we have the upcoming “Green Zone” with Maaaatt Daaaamonnnn. The villains appear to be evil American contractors again. Sheesh, are they done with Nazis now as the cliched Hollywood villain? Oh, I forgot, they’re busy making Nazis more sympathetic now.
Hollywood seems to have it in their head that Americans are the bad guys.
Meanwhile, Muslim fanatics of the Al Qaeda variety don’t exist in Hollywood movies anymore. You have to go back to 1994’s “True Lies.” Yet James Cameron’s movie didn’t exactly take the threat of Muslim terrorists seriously. It treated them more like typical goofy movie villains for the hero to punch out. And now, when Islamo-fascists are referenced at all, they are usually shown to be tools of evil Americans (with the exception of a handful of art films, mostly foreign, like 2007’s the “Kite Runner” in which the Taliban were shown to be the murderous thugs they are.)
Hollywood once had no trouble showing us the villains of the world. The Nazis were an easy target. After all, they were vanquished. Yet they took on the Soviets on occasion. They also had no problem coming up with all kinds of diverse antagonists of every nationality. Not anymore. Now they can’t even deal with the most clear cut bad guys around, the Islamo-Fascists.
Not Muslims, Islamo-Fascists. There’s a difference.
The fact is, terrorist groups like Al Qaeda are not loved in the Muslim world despite what some would tell you. They’ve killed more innocent Muslims than any combatants in recent wars. The Taliban are oppressors in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The US, on the other hand, has done a lot to build schools, hospitals and infrastructure both in Afghanistan and Iraq. But Hollywood makes our contractors as sinister villains. Both TV and film are knocking out one hack script after another. And our troops are often shown badly as well, despite the fact that we have the most disciplined armed forces in the world.
Once upon a time Hollywood used to make films for the war effort showing the free people of the world what we’re fighting for and why. Now they make movies that do the opposite. They question our motives and make us out to be the villains.
So whose side are you on, Hollywood? If your goal is to make money, you keep failing. The movies I listed above, that made us the villains, were all failures. Movies that make us heroes tend to be successful. Are you using Obama math now?
To paraphrase your favorite president, George W. Bush, either you’re with us or you’re against us. We’re not feeling the love right now.
In case you don’t get it, Islamo-fascists shut down all media when they get into power. They kill gays, lefties, intellectuals first. Are you telling us you approve? Because there’s no point in attacking your own side otherwise. Not unless you want us to lose.
Oh, I know, you don’t think these terrorists are any real threat. That’s why all those lefty “comedians” aren’t afraid to mock Islam and terrorists, right? Oh, yeah… they don’t do that. They mock Christians instead. Because they know Christians won’t kill them.
If you’re afraid of fatwas, Salman Rushdie is still picking up hot women and hanging around parties. All those Danish cartoonists threatened with death are still around years later.
So in other words, are you a bunch of spineless cowards? A pack of gutless, cringing eunuchs? Are you are letting the world know this by attacking your own side, hoping the bad guys will treat you better if they win? Like those Jews who worked for the Nazis in Poland as ghetto cops, thinking they would be spared the cattle car treatment?
I think you better get your priorities straight. Pronto.