Michael Moore On 'Hannity'

Parts II , III, and discussion points after the jump:

Sean Hannity and Michael Moore had a discussion of sorts on ‘Hannity’ tonight. It was certainly an event to see Moore on a conservative’s show (much like Al Gore, Moore is notorious for not going toe to toe with prominent conservatives). The conversation itself seemed disjointed and a lot time was spent by both Hannity and Moore jockeying to set the agenda instead of clarifying and challenging differences. Moore came off as plenty appealing, a jovial and confidant representative for his side, but just as with Obama’s speeches, you would get a completely different perception of the man and his ideas if you read what he said instead of watched it. And by different, we mean nauseating.

More analysis from Big Hollywood contributors is likely to follow, but we’re turning you all loose now. Some discussion bullet points:

-“I’m not a multi-multi millionaire.” -Michael Moore

-Apparently our foes in the Middle East are perpetually on monkey bars….?

-Christians are in no position to judge the 9/11 terrorists.

-Is there a conservative on Earth who could get away with invoking God and religion as much as Moore does?

-Hannity was soft on Moore. Good or bad move?

Have at it.


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