New Political Blog 'Big Government' Launches Thursday

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New Political Blog to Launch Thursday

A conservative blogger and publisher who took on Hollywood earlier this year is setting his sights on the nation’s political establishment. will launch Thursday as a “one-stop shop” for commentary and other political information, according to Andrew Breitbart, the site’s founder.

“This is speaking to the zeitgeist of the blogosphere that every story has an underlying relationship to what’s going on in the Obama administration and how the Republican Party is going to regroup as it relates to issues of the expansion of government powers,” Breitbart told “We are just now starting to vet the president and the people he’s put into power.”

Breitbart said the blog will offer a platform to those who respect the concepts of limited government, individual liberties and an “adherence to the principals of our Founding Fathers.”

Read the full article here.


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