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This month’s Exhibit P proving Hollywood’s no longer money-driven.
Nearly 60 million Americans wanted Sarah Palin for their Vice President, including most of Middle-America. These voters are the folks this holiday-timed studio film will kinda need in order to see some kind of profit. Sure, the sophisticates will ask us to take a joke but after everything the cruel Left has put this woman and her family through, no matter how good-natured the presentation, another Palin-as-yokel joke just feels like cheap piling on — because that’s exactly what it is.
Selling your film as something it’s not and then sucker punching the audience after they’ve wasted their ten-bucks is one thing, but to intentionally get ideological and divisive in the actual advertising only proves that everyone involved is much more interested in cocktail party backslaps than actual profits.
The Great Christian Toto weighs in:
What’s intriguing about the inclusion of the Palin reference is how it flies in the face of conventional movie marketing wisdom. Today’s films are thoroughly screened and analyzed for maximum profit potential, with material that might offend one group or another often scrubbed to avoid problems.
It’s a savvy way to please as many consumers as possible.
But including a line about a current politician seems to work against that spirit. It’s potentially alienating – making the left chortle while instigating the right. Why annoy roughly half the movie going public if you don’t have to?
Furthering the stereotype takes precedent. With few exceptions, and just like their counterparts in the mainstream media, Hollywood’s devolved into just another branch of the Democrat Party … and the only thing suffering more than the customer is the quality of the product.
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