1) Take away the right to anonymous ballots in voting for leadership.
2) Consistently vote in left wing leadership that supports only left wing political candidates who vote for “tax and spend” policies that destroy the very business we are all in.
3) Take away a major benefit that most non-union members would join the union for in the first place: health care.
Well, there you go. It’s as easy as that. Does this sound crazy? Out there? Never happen in a million years? Well, it’s happening right now all around us and what are we going to do about it? This concerns all of us in the entertainment field for sure, left and right. I don’t care where you stand in the Union/Non Union arena, if we don’t take action we will all be non-union like it or not. Follow me here…
1) The first thing is to take away private voting by Union members by using a program called Card Checks. What is that you say? Well that is a way that will expose your private vote to your leaders. You will no longer be able to easily vote your conscience if you disagree with the majority in power. Right now that is overwhelmingly left wing. I know some of you oh so enlightened lefties are saying “Oh but I would never discriminate against you conservatives and I would respect your rights for sure.” All this while the bumper sticker on your car still says “Die Bush, Die!” This sentiment is exactly why most conservatives cannot speak out in this wacky town. But while you chew on that for a moment, imagine if the same thing were reversed and conservatives were totally in power and you believed that if you expressed your opinion, in vote form, for all to see, your livelihood could be in danger. Free choice in private voting is the key to our Constitutional Republic and should not be compromised in any way for any party. Period.
The “Card Check System,” or Employee Free Choice Act as it is called, as usual, does exactly the opposite of what it states. In short this looks like another Obama driven attempt to control businesses. If this bill goes through, the government will have the authority to dictate terms of contracts over workers and the firms that employ them. The government will be in charge of even more of your life, even in the private sector. So “sticking it to the man” will mean sticking it to yourself. Well, actually it always has meant sticking it to yourselves, but that’s another argument. As some polls have indicated, over 70% of unionized workers prefer private balloting. If that many members want privacy, imagine how many would drop their membership altogether if they no longer had an honest say in what their union does? So that is the first step to killing a union. Thank you President Obama and your left wing cabal.
2) So when was the last time a union backed a Republican candidate for anything, including dogcatcher? Okay there was one firefighters union somewhere that backed a Republican mayor. Woot! Overall the leaders that are voted into power in the unions have a one party mentality and that is decidedly left wing. So they have thrown our money at the very politicians around the country that consistently deliver tax hikes and regulations that drive up the cost of us doing the business that we love. How many movies were made in California this year? You can count them on one hand. Three was the last tally I heard a couple of months ago. So where are they all going? To “right to work states” and/or states that have nice tax breaks to bring in business, like Texas and Louisiana. So here’s a head scratcher… If lowering taxes brings business to your state, isn’t that the smart move? And if it works in our business, why won’t it work in all businesses? Here’s a hint. IT DOES WORK! It’s called capitalism, look it up. It is the single best way to build wealth for the individual, the state, the country and the world. Are there jackholes who screw the system? Of course. So we punish them, not everyone else. It’s time to slap yourselves out of your Utopian coma and realize that the people you have been electing are screwing you and lining their own pockets. And when you stand up to say something, stay on your toes, because these lefty union thugs will try to take a shot at you. Just ask Kenneth Gladney. And don’t let them tell you he’s a right wing plant either, that’s a load of hooey! The left’s supreme leader is a “community organizer” after all. What do you think that means? He has actively worked with ACORN and we all know that they are the ones who have been getting bussed in for years to protest anything remotely conservative. But of course the media loves them so it’s okay when they disrupt anything that does not fit into their worldview. The only way to change any of this is to get involved, get informed and stop swallowing the lefty party line.
3) What is the main benefit we hear about most from members and potential members? Residuals? Neat. Pension Plan? Nifty. Workplace safety? Cool. But nope, they all pale in comparison to health care. And it is very possible that our choice for that amazing benefit is about to be taken away completely. The government health care bill that is being ramrodded down our collective throats will eliminate our choice and force us on the government “ration” system. For example, I do currently have a private plan that is not the greatest, but it’s okay for emergencies. I pay way too much for it and I have pre-existing conditions. I know many of you are in the same boat. I have not met my earnings quota in SAG or AFTRA to qualify yet. And if this bill goes through, I may never get that chance and be stuck with the plan I have. You see, if you are currently with SAG or AFTRA plans you may keep them. Unless of course you do not meet the earnings requirement one year and either pay the ridiculously expensive COBRA coverage or drop it and get private insurance. Well, guess what? If that happens, under the Obama plan, you will not be allowed to get your SAG/AFTRA coverage back nor obtain private insurance. You would be forced to take the government plan. Period. It will be illegal for you to seek private insurance if you are not “grandfathered” in to an existing plan. And you would face financial penalties if you try. Ah compassion. So understand this, union folks. We will probably have no SAG/AFTRA health care if this ridiculous bill goes through, and the lefty unions are backing the people who are pushing this through, with our money! We are about to be screwed, and not in a good way, by our leaders right now, this very second. Oh and if this bill goes through, what makes you think the union will even keep their health plan at all? If the government option is cheaper, which it will be since the government prints its own money, why won’t the unions choose that plan to save money? Especially if it is the plan that their all knowing left wing party endorsed. So much for “Pro Choice” huh.
So whether the Obama crew is planning to or not (Psst, they are), they are screwing the unions, and in turn you and me. But there will be much less incentive to join any union if this junk goes through. So lefty loosy or righty tighty, it doesn’t matter. The life boats are being manned, the band is still playing, and no one in the unions seems to see the iceberg. Now, I am not against unions. I am against unions out for their own good and on one side of the political spectrum that has the interests of that party above the interests of its members. Much like the feminists blind devotion to Clinton while he threw them overboard. And that is my opinion as to where we are now. I say that we had better vote these things down and fast. Call your legislators, sign petitions, tell your friends the truth. I just hope that we are all smart enough to see the socialist takeover that is happening right in front our eyes and take action before it is too late. Yep, I said socialist. What else would you call it? Or maybe Bill Maher is right and we are a stupid country. We’ll know soon enough.
I’m just sayin…
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