Brad Pitt: Mayor of New Orleans?

Brad Pitt gained much notoriety for his environmentally friendly housing project in New Orlean’s Katrina-ravaged Lower 9th Ward. Recently, a budding grassroots movement has gained momentum to elect Pitt Mayor of the city. Earlier today, Mr. Pitt sat down with TODAY’s Ann Curry and talked about the prospect of a mayoral run and what type of mayor he would be. From an an article on the TODAY website:

“If chosen, would you run?” Curry asked in the prerecorded interview that ran Thursday.”Yeah,” Pitt said.

“Would you serve?”

“Yeah. I’m running on the gay marriage, no religion, legalization and taxation of marijuana platform,” he joked.

That comment drew a measured “OK” from Curry.

“I don’t have a chance,” Pitt predicted.

But what if he were elected. Would he take the job?

“Didn’t I just answer that?” he replied.

“No, you didn’t,” Curry persisted.

“I don’t have a chance,” he repeated.

“Because you’re not the guy?”

“That’s not what I do best,” he said, ending that line of questioning.

Pitt’s political advocacy makes him a bit harder to read than most Hollywood activists. Sure, he has Hollywood’s requisite “green” streak, but he seems to have an entrepeneureal spirit and has thus far steered clear of the dreaded “hypocrite” label.

Does this make him a viable Hollywood candidate? Perhaps even a libertarian one? Or would he be just another Hollywood lefty?


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