When you favor someone because of their race over others who are equally or more qualified, that’s racism. Except in America where an old policy that was supposed to help people in an age of real separatism is still on the books and enforced.

The appointment of judge Sonia Sotomayor by President Obama to the Supreme Court is a classic example of how absurd affirmative action has become. And she unwittingly said it all in the following statement:

“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”

First of all, that is a foolish statement. Wise people don’t call themselves wise. And anyone who thinks their ethnicity (Latinos aren’t a race) or race makes them somehow more wise is not very smart. There are clueless people of every race. Life experience only imbues wisdom if you actually learn something from it. A lot of people don’t.

But in the Obama administration appointing someone based on their “story” and identity politics trumps qualifications. Martin Luther King must be rolling in his grave, because this goes against everything he preached.

Besides, when you have a black president appointing a Latina judge for politically correct reasons so that white politicians will be afraid to dissent, affirmative action has gone way past being dated.

It was a good idea when it started, as a temporary measure. But that was over 40 years ago. And times have changed. It’s not really needed anymore, but it’s widely abused. Those who use political correctness as a bludgeon for their agenda will try to keep it going forever.

Identity politics is racist, sexist, tribalist, classist nonsense. If our society is to ever truly grow up, we need to kill it off with extreme prejudice.

It should end. Bureaucrats never like to give up power to abuse the public for bogus ends. So it won’t go without a fight. But it must.

When you favor one race, religion or ethnic group over another it’s not only un-American, it’s bigotry. We can’t have an equal society until we get rid of political correctness and affirmative action.

People should be judged on their merits and not on their “story.” Stories are for fiction and con games.