No matter what I’m doing now or what I do in the future, I’ll probably always be known as the guy who made “Michael Moore Hates America.” I often wonder why I picked a fight with Moore. I mean really, I got to be a tiny little bit famous for a few weeks, stressed out for five years and more broke than when I started. Sometimes I wish I’d never dipped my foot into this addiction called showbiz and often wonder what life would’ve been like if I were just toiling away in the marketing department of some company again.

But then the multimillionaire and self-proclaimed champion of the little guy opens his foul, uneducated, lying mouth and I’m reminded why I made that movie and continue to write and talk about Moore. Someone somewhere has to tell the truth about this country and I guess it might as well be me. I guess fate has appointed me his much less wealthy, way less well-known, and much thinner (even though I’m fat) counterpart. I just read Moore’s latest diatribe and got Hulk-angry. HULK SMAAASHHH!
I am now thoroughly convinced that even though millions look to him as thought-leader, there’s really not much going on upstairs. Moore is quite simply an uneducated populist. He’s Mos Def with a bigger vocabulary. He has no interest in studying history, because if he did, he’d find his whole worldview to be antithetical to what this nation is defined as by the documents that do the defining. Michael Moore hates what America is.
It’s certainly clear that Michael Moore loves power. He loves crushing people. He loves destroying the lives of others. He’s done it over and over for his own benefit. So it’s probably no surprise that Moore thinks the firing of the CEO of a private company by a federal bureaucrat is a good thing. Especially when Moore can make hay and horde millions of dollars because of it (his next populist rant is about the evil Wall Street puppetmasters). If there were ever more of a mind-blowingly hypocritical person in the history of the world, I can’t think of it.
Moore actually wrote in his latest insane and unbalanced screed that Obama “has the massive will of the American people behind him — and he has been granted permission by us to do what he sees fit.”
No, you stupid motherfucker, he hasn’t. You see, the Constitution of the United States of America determines the power of the President, not the people. Specifically, it LIMITS that power. And the guys who wrote that document were scared shitless of guys like Obama. George Washington referred to the President as the “Chief Magistrate” and the Founders saw government as something that had to be limited to prevent it from committing the sorts of atrocities we’ve seen in the last couple of months. Government has no business firing anyone in the private sector. None. Zip. Nada.
But Moore cheers for Obama’s overturning of centuries of Constitutional and common law like a high school girl whose panties are a little moist at the site of the big, strong quarterback. He cheers him on because he loves the sight of OTHER rich guys squirming (DO NOT FORGET THAT MOORE IS A MULTIMILLIONAIRE WHO HAS A TRACK RECORD OF AVOIDING UNION FILM WORKERS BECAUSE THEY COST TOO MUCH!!!) because the almighty government is inflicting pain on them.
Moore has talked in the past about the “free” health care and dentistry provided to him by GM when he was a kid. He talks about how the “common man” could make a “living wage” when times were good for GM. He talks about how it was the line workers that made the company one of the greatest on earth and how the rich elite have always been bald, cat-stroking evil geniuses bent on pouring liquid waste on everyone they can before anally raping their mothers and firing them and burning their houses down and pissing on the ashes. In fact, his NEW MOVIE is about just that! Of course if you’ve seen one Michael Moore movie, you’ve seen them all.
Despite all that GM provided for Moore and his family (it wasn’t “free,” GM paid for it), Moore can’t help but demonize the company, writing about the “hundreds of thousands of workers over the past 25+ years who have been tossed into the trash heap by General Motors.” Despite the fact that the primary reason the company is failing is because it overpaid its workers and now pays retirees more in salary than when they actually worked there, Moore is happy that it’s time for a little revenge.
Moore thinks its good that government is now telling private companies who will run them, what products they will make, and how they will operate (regardless of whether it’s profitable). He thinks it’s great that government is using the IRS to target specific individuals Ex Post Facto to take away money they rightly earned. He loves that big daddy government is there to take care of us.
I can’t imagine how that must feel. It must be awful to be so weak and unable to care for yourself that you need a bureaucrat to do it for you. But then, Michael Moore knows that he’ll be okay. He knows that the ultra-wealthy like him don’t have to play by the same rules as everyone else. He’ll be able to go to a private doctor when we’re in line at the government hospital. He won’t have to beg the IRS to honor the warranty on his GM (yes, Obama’s promise to honor GMs warranties falls under Treasury) because he can just buy another car. He won’t have to worry about government seizure of his property (they own most of the mortgages now) because his multimillion-dollar penthouse in New York and giant vacation home in Michigan are paid for.
What I don’t understand about Moore is how just a few months ago he abhorred the power-grabbing Bush “regime” but now he’s cheering on the most overreaching President in the history of the United States. I guess as long as his guy is in charge, it’s okay for one man to have way too much power. If you want an almighty government, Mike, you’ve gotta be okay when it’s your liberty that’s under attack. Based on your sycophantic slobbering over Obama’s action, you’d better be happy when the next President tells you what your next project is going to be about.
They’ve already come for the capitalists. They’ll eventually get to the lying, scumbag communist propagandists and Moore will be fucked.