Last week, I took a little bit of heat for calling David Letterman a hack (and also dashed any remaining hopes I had for ever appearing on his show). Just in case there’s any doubt of my allegation, I present to you the following videos. Here’s a clip that ran on Wednesday June 11, 2008:

Now here’s a segment that ran just this past Wednesday, March 25, 2009 (Please note, that the man making his bracket picks, was far too busy to pay any attention to the stock market; and couldn’t find the time to shop for an appropriate gift for the British Prime Minister — or at least get DVDs that work in the UK):

What’s most most amazing to me is that Letterman pays a sizable staff WGA scale to come up with this stuff. And you thought government workers were lazy. Of course, considering Letterman’s documented propensity to repeat the same exact jokes night after night, I’m beginning to wonder if he might be getting forgetful in his old age. Perhaps his writers are aware of that and have been been taking advantage.

Not only are these segments annoying idol worship of the new star in the White House, and downright mean to a President who was all too human, you really have to wonder how long they intend to run with the joke.

What a country!