Attacking Rush Limbaugh

It’s not that I’m offended by the idea of Obama pointing every barrel he can find in the direction of Rush Limbaugh. Seriously, that’s fine. What offends me is the lack of wit and charm in the attacks.

Obama got the ball rolling when he harumphed, “You can’t just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done.

Some of the RINO’s fell for it, but to me RINO’s are like the kids in school who were on the fringes of being popular, but were nobody’s idea of cool. The cool kids let them hang around, because they knew they could talk the RINO’s into throwing rad parties, and the RINO’s would be the ones who got flak from the parentals. Sweet!

It wasn’t long before the heir apparent to Howard Dean chimed in, then we heard from Ari Gold’s brother, who said, “Tell that [expletive deleted] Rush [expletive deleted] Limbaugh to stick it up his [expletive deleted] [expletive deleted]! He’s worse than that [expletive deleted] [expletive deleted] Josh [expletive deleted] Weinstein!”

Rahm Emanuel might be my favorite White House staffer ever. If this guy didn’t exist, you’d have to make him up. Which Aaron Sorkin has done, only he made the dude a Republican. He seemed evil then…weird.

At least when George Bush the W went after a polarizing figure from the left, in the visually dull but wildly imaginative thriller “Fahrenheit 9/11,” there was some zing! behind his words. “Behave yourself, will ya?” the W quipped, adding with a grin, “Go find real work.” In a movie filled with slams against him, he seizes the one opportunity he has to jab the guy responsible. In the spirit of reaching across the aisle to the Workers Party, big ups to Moore for leaving it in.

With Bush’s quip in mind, let’s read Obama’s, um, flustered, petty attack: “You can’t just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done”.

Pret-ty lame, Millhouse.

Obama and Bush each supplied their base a “Preach it, brotha” moment with their respective jabs. Both did so without the aid of a teleprompter, and Bush landed the better blow, exposing Michael Moore as a mere nuisance. Obama exposed Rush as a problem to the left, and in doing so, may have exposed a weakness of his own.


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