Stanford University students must fill out a “Diversity and Inclusion Statement” to enroll in a marketing class that the Department of Management Science and Engineering offers.

As the attentive folks at The College Fix revealed on Tuesday, Stanford University students are obliged to answer how they will contribute to diversity as a prerequisite for application to a Global Entrepreneurial Marketing class that the Department of Management Science and Engineering offers.

“Diversity is an important part of the mission of the Stanford MS&E Department and this class,” the statement reads. “Please use this opportunity to describe how you will contribute to a culture of diversity and inclusion in this class.”

The online course description warns that space is limited, so “interested students who request to enroll in this course will go through a review process and will be informed of decisions prior to the start of the course.”

A screenshot of the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) requirement was furnished by a Stanford undergraduate student who wished to remain anonymous to avoid “retaliation by the Stanford community.”

“There is a culture of fear on campus, where many undergraduates seek to shut down, shame, and silence views they find disagreeable,” the student said.

“Additionally, professors and teaching fellows hold the power in the classroom, and many use this authority to stifle dissent, critical questions, and non-conformers,” the student added.

“I find it extremely disappointing and alarming that Stanford engineering has begun requiring DEI pledges for course enrollment. Stanford made itself famous by breaking norms and traditions, not by enforcing conformity and group-think,” the student said.

As one would expect, the application form offers five possible answers to the seemingly simple question of what sex the student is, which are “Male,” “Female,” “Gender Variant/Non-Conforming,” “Other,” and “Decline to state.”

As of May 2023, Stanford employs some 200 DEI staff.