Breitbart News’ Pollak: ABC Debate Completely Ignored Education Issues

Multi-ethnic group of students with teacher in classroom.
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The presidential debate hosted by ABC News in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday completely ignored the issue of education, Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Joel B. Pollak pointed out on Ask Dr. Drew on Wednesday.

Pollak appeared on Dr. Drew’s show to discuss the debate. He said that while the debate had not been a “disaster” for former President Donald Trump, and Vice President Kamala Harris had not answered well on the economy, she had “won” the debate and used it successfully to show her own supporters that she could show strength and confidence.

Trump, in contrast, was too combative instead of using the platform to reach his own voters, Pollak pointed out.

But the debate itself had been deeply flawed, he added, including the bias of the moderators. They never brought up China as a foreign policy issue, leaving that task to the candidates — usually Trump, Pollak noted. And they also never brought up the issue of education — a crucial issue for Americans, especially married women, who are worried about the effects of the coronavirus lockdowns, the imposition of transgender ideology, and the power of teachers’ unions.

At one point in the show (31:40 in the video above), Dr. Drew’s producer noted that her daughter, an Ivy League graduate, had thought Kamala Harris performed well in the debate, especially on the issue of abortion.

Pollak asked whether her daughter was single or married (the answer: single, with a long-term boyfriend), then noted that one of the most important issues to married women is education, which the debate never touched upon, and which neither of the two candidates brought up themselves.

“There was a question missing from the debate as well, which I think a married woman would have picked up on, which is there was nothing about education. Not one thing about education. And I think a big worry for American parents right now is what’s going on in the schools.”

A search of the ABC News transcript reveals that the word “education” was never mentioned at all during the debate.

Pollak noted that if the moderators do not bring up an important issue, it is up to the candidates to do so. He added that Trump’s answer on abortion was “very good,” but he was cut off by the moderators.



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