Leftist Michael Bloomberg’s $1 Billion Gift to Johns Hopkins University Will Cover Most Medical Students’ Tuition

Leftist billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s philanthropic organization is making a gift of $1 billion so most medical students at Johns Hopkins University will not have to pay tuition.

Beginning in the fall, the present from Bloomberg Philanthropies will cover tuition for medical students whose families earn under $300,000 yearly, the Associated Press (AP) reported Monday.

The outlet noted that students whose families earn under $175,000 a year will also have their living expenses and fees covered.

In his announcement, Bloomberg said Johns Hopkins has grown more economically diverse and more selective.

“More generous financial aid has attracted more of the nation’s top students, including many from lower-income families who might not have applied before,” the announcement reads:

This additional new gift of $1 billion will not only make Johns Hopkins’ medical school tuition-free for all with limited means, but it will also increase financial aid for graduate students at its schools of nursing, public health, and all its other non-medical graduate schools. This will help Johns Hopkins attract more of the nation’s brightest minds and help free more of them to pursue the fields that most inspire them, rather than ones that will best enable them to repay loans.

NBC News spoke to one young person who, when he learned of the gift, said, “What went through my head was ‘Wow, I hope I can get some of that money or can apply for some of that money.'”

In May, President Joe Biden’s (D) administration said it will be canceling over $7 billion in student debt for 160,000 people. That news came after the Supreme Court issued a 6-3 decision in 2023 to block the president’s plan to cancel $430 billion in student loan debt for nearly 40 million people, according to Breitbart News.

The recent AP report noted that Bloomberg received a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the university in the mid-1960s.

It is interesting to note that Bloomberg, a former mayor of New York City and a Democrat former presidential candidate, received abortion giant Planned Parenthood’s Global Citizen Award during a gala in 2014, Breitbart News reported in February 2020.

Breitbart News continued:

The former New York City mayor said in his acceptance speech that his foundation would invest “$50 million into a major expansion of our efforts in Tanzania” and into “Uganda, Senegal, Burkina Faso, and Nicaragua,” where he and Planned Parenthood would work to overturn pro-life laws.

In his address to Planned Parenthood as he accepted the abortion chain’s award, Bloomberg said he is “glad to stand with … Planned Parenthood’s outstanding president, Cecile Richards, and with philanthropists like my friends, Bill and Melinda Gates,” who also invest in greater abortion access abroad and whose foundation financed the Common Core State Standards.

In 2023, Bloomberg said Biden should “strike a blow against”  the public’s increasing opposition to migration by importing migrants to take American jobs, per Breitbart News.

To read more articles about Bloomberg, please click here.


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