Two young students have been expelled from a school in Tavares, Florida, because their mother would not remove a car sticker advertising her OnlyFans page.

School leadership had told Michelle Cline she was not allowed to bring her car onto the campus at Liberty Christian Preparatory School (LCP) to pick up and drop off her children because parents were upset about the large decal.

The New York Post reported Saturday that the school board recently sent the family a letter explaining the children were expelled because of her decision to advertise her pornography to students.

“The school board — who used the word ‘repent’ six times — wrote that Cline and her husband were committing a sin by filming and distributing their explicit venture, which rakes in up to $20,000 a month,” the article said.

An image shows the woman in question and the decal on her car:

Head of School Jeremy Thomas told the Post the decision was to protect students’ innocence.

He said, “Pornography is a vice and a sexual sin that destroys lives and breaks up marriages. The negative impact of pornography on youth can result in future long-term relationship issues. Consuming, producing, distributing, or advertising pornography is inconsistent with the teachings of the Bible, the Church, and LCP.”

According to the charity Fight the New Drug, pornography can have multiple effects on a person’s brain, body, their relationships with others, and society.

“Ultimately, the research is clear: porn is harmful to consumers, relationships, and society at large. If you’re interested in living a healthy, full life, free from contributing to sexual exploitation or an industry that profits from sexualizing abuse and exploitation, steer clear from porn,” the site reads.

Meanwhile, Cline claims she has had that sticker on her vehicle for the past few years.

“I’m the same person that was, three years ago, sitting in church service. I haven’t changed not. It’s just something that I’ve chosen to be more open with,” she stated, noting her children are now homeschooled.

LCP said it would consider allowing the family back to the school but only if the decals were removed, the pornographic sites shut down, and it got a letter from her saying she followed those guidelines.

However, Cline did not appear to want to do any of those things. She told the Post, “Forgive my language, but I was basically like, ‘kiss my ass.'”

To read more Breitbart News coverage regarding OnlyFans, please click here.