Fired from Hunter College in May after allegedly harassing students manning a pro-life display and pulling a machete on a New York Post reporter who questioned her about the incident, professor Shellyne Rodriguez has found a new job at Cooper Union.

Rodriguez is listed as an adjunct professor on the school’s website and is on the fall semester’s list of professors at the “prestigious private art school in Manhattan,” the DailyMail reported.  

Rodriguez went viral in May for allegedly cursing at students and vandalizing their pro-life display, Breitbart News reported.

“You’re not educating shit. This is fucking propaganda. What are you going to do, like, anti-trans next? Is that what you’re going to do next?” Professor Rodriguez said to the students. 

She then began shoving the materials off the table. 

“Get this shit the fuck out of here. Fuck this shit,” Rodriguez said. 

Alana Mastrangelo with Breitbart News reported: 

The Hunter College Office of Communications told Breitbart News that “Hunter College takes this matter — and the right to free speech on campus — seriously.”

“Hunter does not tolerate such conduct by faculty. The Provost has completed an investigation and the faculty member has been appropriately disciplined,” the college added.

“In addition, the faculty member has been warned that if the behavior reoccurs, there will be further consequences,” Hunter College said.

Rodriguez was severely reprimanded after the incident, but she was let go after she allegedly pulled a machete on a New York Post reporter who appeared at her apartment to question her regarding it, Breitbart News reported

It is unclear whether or not Rodriguez faced any criminal charges.