A high school in British Columbia, Canada, is promoting an online “gender junction” session for its students, described as a tool of guidance for “trans,” “non-binary,” and “questioning” teenagers, including information about accessing “trans-positive” surgeries.

Revelstoke Secondary School’s website lists two events — one for teenagers between ages 14 and 19 and another for parents and family members of “gender diverse youth.”

The online “workshops” are being organized and operated by ANKORS, an organization describing itself as committed to assisting those living with and affected by HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C, and other blood-borne pathogens.

In a document titled “Gender Junction: Exploring Diverse Gender Identities,” ANKORS states that its event targeting teenagers will provide information about “transitioning and accessing gender affirming care” and “acquiring gender affirming gear”:

Are you a trans, non-binary or questioning teen? Have questions about talking to friends, family & teachers about diverse gender identities and sexual orientations? Are you curious about groups and resources in the Kootenays for gender diverse people?

Join Trans Connect (ANKORS) Coordinator, Nicola Hare, for a workshop on: navigating coming out, transitioning and accessing gender affirming care, acquiring gender affirming gear, self advocacy and where to direct your parents, caregivers and teachers for support.

The event for parents is framed as an educational session regarding “youth with trans and non-binary identities”:

How do we affirm our child’s authentic self while also keeping them safe in the world? You may have a lot of questions about supporting a young person who is gender creative, trans or questioning. What is the difference between gender identity, expression and sexual orientation?

Facilitated by Nicola Hare from Trans Connect (ANKORS), our hope is that participants leave these sessions with a greater awareness of resources, and community connections for supporting youth with trans and non-binary identities.

We will be joined by Tammy Plunket, author of Beyond Pronouns, a book that offers clear and practical guidance and an opportunity to reflect on our gender-affirming parenting practices. We will also be joined by Carla Grant, author of Uncommon Girls, a journal-like memoir and guide to supporting parents and families with youth or children in transition.

ANKORS describes its “Trans Connect” as a program to assist “transgender, two spirit, intersex, and gender diverse people in the East & West Kootenay regions.”

True North News noted that “gender affirming care” is a euphemism the British Columbia’s Health Ministry uses for hormonal and surgical procedures marketed as medical treatments, including  “testosterone or estrogen hormone treatment, vaginoplasty, breast implants, orchiectomy (teste removal) and hysterectomies (uterus removal).”

ANKORS casts such procedures as “trans-positive healthcare options” facilitating “harm reduction.”

Follow Robert Kraychik on Twitter @rkraychik.