Upon his return to teaching in-person classes, Vinod Menon, a physics professor for City College of New York, searched through office mail and discovered a small cardboard box, according to the New York Times.

The heavy box was addressed to “Chairman, Physics Department,” which is his own title, the paper reported Tuesday.

The package was apparently postmarked from November 2020, and had remained there for more than nine months.

Dr. Menon specializes in nano and microphotonics, and what was inside the box gave him a feeling of excitement.

“It was full of $50 and $100 bills bundled in paper bands, totaling $180,000,” the Times report said.

A letter to Dr. Menon said the money was a donation to assist needy physics and math students attending City College.

Per the Times:

The letter explained the donor’s motivations. “Assuming that you are bit curious as to why I am doing this, the reason is straightforward,” wrote the donor, who said he or she “long ago” took advantage of the “excellent educational opportunity” of attending both Stuyvesant High School and earning a bachelor’s and master’s degrees in physics at City College, which helped lead to “a long, productive, immensely rewarding” scientific career.