Students at the University of Flordia are being asked to predict the “emotional risk” level of guest speaker events they wish to organize.

Students are now required to submit an “emotional risk” level for guest speaker events that they wish to host on campus. The options on the university’s online portal, Gatorhub, include “Sensitive Subject Matter,” “Reaction of Participants,” and “Potential Controversy.”

The new policy likely comes in response to the increased efforts by college students across the country to censor guest speakers, which have overwhelmingly been of conservative and libertarian ideological persuasion.

The new policy asks event organizers to estimate the “emotional risk” level associated with their event, but they are able to skip the question. Student responses that are recorded are used by administrators to determine event staffing needs.

Emily Jashinsky of the Washington Examiner argues that University of Florida students should skip the question entirely, calling it “an example of how universities condition students to cope with challenges.”

Tom Ciccotta is a libertarian who writes about economics and higher education for Breitbart News. You can follow him on Twitter @tciccotta or email him at