Americans believe the economy is in the worse shape since January of 2012, a CNN Wednesday poll found.
About 77 percent believe President Joe Biden’s economy is poor. Forty-seven percent said the economy is somewhat poor, while another 30 percent said it is very poor.
Only two percent said the economy is “very good.” Twenty-one percent said it is “somewhat” good.
The poll sampled 1,007 Americans from April 28 to May 1 with a margin of 3.9 percent.
The poll also found that the economy is the number-one issue for Americans by 36 points (50 percent).
The Ukrainian war (14 percent), immigration (ten percent), global warming (nine percent), racial unrest (five percent), coronavirus (five percent), and education (four percent) followed.
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Economists believe the economy will grow worse for American workers under Biden’s presidency. Some economists have predicted a 50/50 chance of a recession in the coming months and into 2023.
“Recession risk has risen,” Goldman banker Jan Hatzius wrote on Monday. “The financial health of the private sector may ultimately determine whether policy tightening will tilt the economy into a downturn.”
In large part due to Biden’s fiscal policies, inflation has reached a 40-year high. Polling reveals Americans trust Republicans over Democrats by 19 points to handle inflation (50-31 percent).
Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter and Gettr @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.
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