Appearing Tuesday on the Fox Business Network, Goya Foods CEO Bob Unanue warned of the possibility of a “global food crisis.”

A transcript is as follows:

MARIA BARTIROMO: Assess the situation. How do you see inflation today?

BOB UNANUE: We are on the precipice of a global food crisis. God created humanity, humanity has created every way to destroy itself, from nuclear, biological, and chemical. … But now, we’ve weaponized food. Between Ukraine and Russia, they represent 50 percent of the world’s production of fertilizer, 30 percent wheat, 20 percent corn … other foods and minerals. … Russia, they’re also cutting off Ukraine to the sea. … If they cut off Odessa, then they basically landlock the Ukraine and they can’t export–they can’t even plant.


Let me say that we have in a way, provoked this war by showing an incredible weakness around the globe and a lack of resolve to protect women, children, and the innocent. It started in Afghanistan.