Ortiz: Biden’s ‘Inflation Tax’ Targets the Poor and Middle Class

Gas Pricers, Inflation
Jacqueline Dormer/Republican-Herald via AP

Alfredo Ortiz of Job Creators Network writes in RealClear Politics that President Biden’s policies on energy, government spending, and labor are creating an inflationary economy that acts as a tax on the poor and the middle class:

President Biden has repeatedly promised that he won’t raise taxes on American families earning less than $400,000 per year. Yet widespread and growing inflation due to his policies is — at least indirectly — breaking that promise. Call it the Biden inflation tax.

Consumer prices have increased at an accelerated rate every month this year. In April, core inflation rose at its fastest month-over-month pace since 1981. The producer price index grew by the largest amount on record last month. Commodity prices are skyrocketing, with corn rising by more than 50% this year, lumber elevating to four times its traditional rate, and copper hitting a record high.

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Inflation acts the same way as a tax by reducing the value of earnings. It devastates retirees and those on fixed incomes by making them poorer through no fault of their own. And it hurts small businesses, which must constantly raise prices, reducing sales and alienating customers.

Read the rest of this article here.



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