Flint, Michigan: McDonald’s Workers Rally for $15 Minimum Wage

The Associated Press
The Associated Press

McDonald’s workers in Michigan and several other states have organized rallies on Wednesday in an attempt to force the fast-food giant to institute a $15 minimum wage and also allow workers to unionize.

The rally comes after the company announced it had stopped lobbying on both the state and federal level to block the $15 Minimum Wage movement. But the left-wing “Fight for $15” campaign insisted that McDonald’s needs to do more, according to WJRT TV.

Not only will the “Fight for $15” campaign work for the higher minimum wage, but now they will also begin openly fighting for unionism.

Organizers say that Flint, Michigan, workers will rally outside the McDonald’s on West Stewart Avenue at noon to interrupt the lunch rush.

The “Fight for $15” campaign said the Flint rally is part of similar rallies set to be held in California, Missouri, Florida, Chicago, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Wisconsin.

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston.


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