Job Creators Network Launches Tax Savings Calculator to Highlight Impact of Tax Cuts Law

Job Creators Network/YouTube

Job Creators Network, one of the country’s largest pro-jobs grassroots organizations, has revamped its Tax Cuts Work campaign and launched a new digital calculator that allows users to calculate the money they’ve saved over the year.

“Millions of Americans are enjoying significant financial savings as a result of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act,” said Alfredo Ortiz, JCN President and CEO, in a press release. “However, because much of the tax relief comes in the form of less money being withheld from worker paychecks, it can be difficult to fully grasp the savings. This is what the updated Tax Cuts Work campaign is all about: Giving Americans the tools to better understand their own financial situation.”

With the tax filing deadline just around the corner, Job Creators Network is looking to mark the first tax filing season since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was passed in December of 2017 by offering American workers and business owners tools to calculate their savings.

“People won’t necessarily see a significant change in their refund when they file their taxes by April, and that’s because the bill wasn’t designed to create an annual bonus from Uncle Sam, it was intended to ensure that earners keep their money upfront — expanding their wallets every pay cycle, rather than just once a year,” the organization said.
The launch also features a one-minute video, which highlights a few of the benefits taxpayers reaped from the passage of the tax cuts bill, including the standard deduction rising from $12,000 to $24,000, the child tax credit doubling from $1,000 to $2,000, and a decrease across the board for all federal taxpayers.

“To correspond with the tax season and highlight these savings, the Job Creators Network has revamped so visitors can better understand how the tax cuts specifically impacted them,” the release states. “The newly updated website includes a number of tools and resources that help highlight the financial savings many Americans are experiencing as a result of the tax cuts.”

The revamped site features a digital calculator that shows you how much saved over the past year based on the tax information you submit. “A one-page explainer document can be downloaded by business owners and distributed to employees with W-2 forms in order to educate them about the changes to the tax code,” JCN said. “And a short animated video highlights the components included in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that are responsible for Americans saving big.”

“Finally, to show continued support for the tax reform, website visitors are also able to sign a petition pushing for the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to be extended past the scheduled expiration date of 2025,” the Job Creators Network press release said.

Follow Jerome Hudson on Twitter @jeromeehudson


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