Three suspects, accused of beating 17-year-old Ethan Liming of Akron, Ohio to death, have avoided murder charges in a grand jury indictment.

As Breitbart News has reported, Liming was beaten to death on June 2 in a parking lot at the I Promise School in Akron, founded by NBA player LeBron James.

Subsequently, 20-year-old Deshawn Stafford Jr., 19-year-old Tyler Stafford, and 21-year-old Donovon Jones were arrested in Liming’s death and initially charged with murder to which all pleaded not guilty.

A grand jury indictment passed down lesser charges to the three suspects.

DeShawn Stafford was indicted on two counts of involuntary manslaughter and one count of aggravated assault while Tyler Stafford was indicted on one count of involuntary manslaughter and assault. Jones was indicted on two counts of assault.

“They feel they were made victims when their son was murdered and made victims again by the system,” Liming family attorney Mike Callahan told the Akron Beacon Journal. “They are angry and frustrated. It’s very difficult for them.”

On the night of June 2, Liming was in a vehicle with four other teens. The group, according to police reports, was driving around shooting a SPLATRBALL Water Bead Blaster outside the vehicle.

Eventually, the group pulled up to the I Promise School’s basketball court and started firing the soft water bead gel gun — provoking an altercation with the group who were at the court, according to police.

A fight ensued between the two groups ensued and that is when police said the Stafford brothers and Jones beat Liming until he was unconscious. Even after he was unconscious, police said the three suspects continued stomping and kicking Liming in the head.

The Stafford brothers allegedly drove Liming’s car away from the scene as Liming’s friends attempted to bring him to a nearby hospital. Meanwhile, Jones took the cellphone of one of Limings’ friends as they tried calling 911. When police arrived on the scene, Liming was unresponsive.

All three suspects are each being held at the Summit County Jail on $1 million bail.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here